15 Black cats pictures… (and meet my cat)

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And meet my lovely black kitty Salvador:

Salvador kittybloger

72 thoughts on “15 Black cats pictures… (and meet my cat)

  1. I’ve never had anything but black cats since I left my family of birth. They’ve been absolutely wonderful. You can see in the eyes of the cats photographed that special something that black cats have. Great pics

    • I have heard that black cats have a harder time being adopted (superstition?) You are proof that that attitude is ridiculous. All the pics are beautiful, but my favorite is the one in the bag!

    • mine to. but we had a big house fire. And she died in the fire she was my kitty and shes been with me for 3 years i miss jiss her so much

  2. These kitties are so cute! The one in the froggy hat looks just like me-only I’m glad I’m not wearing the hat. 🙂 Also, thank you so much for ‘like’ing my post about the photo shoot, which Emery helped me put together, on our blog http://emerysluckycat.wordpress.com/. I really paw-preciate it! Good day!

  3. There’s nothing like a black cat 🙂 The best kind of kitty ever,and these pictures are WONDERFUL! We have two tuxedo litter mate kitties which we got last year. I’ve always had an affinity for black cats, and these “tuxies” follow a long line of black kitties who lived long lives with my husband and I. (By the way – thanks for liking my post – and I’m going to follow your blog!)

  4. thank you for visiting my blog..
    I love your pictures of the kittens.. they are all too cute, especially the one in the pink pyjamas and the one of head only with the huge eyes.. just adorable.

  5. Black cats rule and rock! 🙂 They’re supposed to be very smart, sweet and playful. Yours is just wonderful! I used to have a pretty calico cat for 13 years, she was really clever and attached to us, keeping her distance now and then; she passed-away 18 months ago. We’ve had a Spanish tomcat for a while, he’s 4 1/2, but really wild and crazy, olé! 🙂 Vive la différence! 🙂

    Your cat blog is beyond awesome, thanx! We have reblogged you here for a while:


    Sunny and friendly greetings from Toulouse, France and a big hug to Salvador who speaks fluent Spanish, I presume… 🙂

  6. The first few look like my cat The Creep. Those big yellow eyes. He’s notoriously hard to photograph because he’s SOOO blackthorn if his eyes aren’t open all you see is a black void in the picture.

    Which one was your cat?

  7. I have always loved black cats ever since I first petted my cousin’s black cat named blacky who was born on Hallowen night.

  8. Pingback: Night & The Kitty: 10 Beautiful & Mysterious Black Cats | Puppies pups puppy dogs cats Insurance? leave your own comments about Night & The Kitty: 10 Beautiful & Mysterious Black Cats

  9. OMG I have two baby Blake’s back home to and tiki they are the most preciousness sweethearts in the world. I love kitty’s epically blog post about them

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