Rescued Cats: Before and After (13 amazing photos)

before and after cats
CYPISEK (read his story: Click here)

Foundation Głosem Zwierząt (Voice of Animals) is probably one of the best foundation in Poland. They help cats (and dogs) everyday. It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the lives of feral, stray, and free-roaming cats. Support them. Help cats. Make donation.

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Cat Sneaks Into A Zoo And Becomes Friends With A Lynx

Cat Sneaks Into A Zoo And Becomes Friends With A Lynx 3  It doesn’t matter what kind of animal you are, friendships develop just the same. This couple of friends are the living proof: in St. Petersburg’s Zoo, a European lynx has become friends with a regular Russian cat.

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Dog Befriends Disabled Kitten

Ralphee the kitten and Max the cattle dog are an odd couple who seem besotted with each other’s company after they were introduced following Ralphee’s rescue from a barn at a horse stable.

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